Thursday, December 6, 2012

Planning for 2013 marketing? Here's some tips (ASO Facebook)

Hi Cork Tree friends. 

As seen on Facebook this week, we are debuting a new series of marketing tips to our Cork Tree friends to help you plan, implement and record dynamite marketing strategies in 2013.  If you didn't catch this on Facebook, here's your chance to read ways to start planning by working on a strategic marketing plan. 

Developing a Marketing Plan – Tip #1
A good marketing plan starts with goals and objectives.  Set deadlines and determine the length of your campaign and how you plan to measure its effectiveness.  This helps you change what didn’t work for future planning.

Developing a Marketing Plan  - Tip #2
Get in your toolbox of marketing tricks and determine which ones you can do yourself and those that you need to outsource.  Will you use social networking in 2013?  Will you start an e-newsletter campaign? Will you plan a direct mail campaign?

Developing a Marketing Plan – Tip #3
Before you can successfully develop a marketing plan, you need to know your budget.  You can add all the ideas and tactics you want to the plan, but without a realistic budget, you can’t effectively implement everything. 

Developing a Marketing Plan – Tip #4
Designate individuals responsible for implementing each tactic of the plan and ask them to report on successes.  

Stumped and don't know where to start?  Is a portion of your plan beyond the capabilities of you and your staff?  Give us a call at (618) 656-7333. We would be happy to help! Look for more from us next week on Facebook/corktreecreative when we talk about the 5 key ingredients for successful marketing. You can also follow us on Twitter @corktreecreativ.  Cheers!!!

1 comment:

  1. My marketing plans were always handled by someone else. You could get more info here about them as they're really proficient and helpful. I must add that everything could become simpler.
